
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Ep 96: Goodbye and Thank You!
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
To the dear friends of Joyful Miles, thank you so much for your support, you are greatly appreciated! This is, unfortunately, the last Joyful Miles podcast chat, and my apologies for not offering an official closing episode. Best of luck with all your upcoming races and as always, have a joyful day!
The video Laura mentioned on MouseGen: https://youtu.be/vaWnnXtS0fY
Our Running Costumes Tag Video: https://youtu.be/-aSwYJwnHWs
Content presented on the Joyful Miles Podcast, website, YouTube, and other social media sites is for general information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional. Before beginning any exercise program, always consult your physician.

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Ep 95: Things we love - Part Two!
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Since there's so much to love about running and fitness, we're following up our Ep. 85 Valentine's show with another round of favorites! What's yours? If you'd like, pop on over to the Joyful Miles Running Club Facebook group and share there!
We'd love it if you checked out Laura's blog post and/or watch this video about Duncan Finigan! For every pair of OOFOS sold from their Project Pink collection and all other oofos.com orders, they donate 3% directly towards the Dana-Farber Breast Cancer Research team to support new medical breakthroughs with the potential to help patients, like Duncan, feel better!
For 50% off 2 pairs of Shady Rays, sunglasses use the code BIBRAVE!
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.
Our Amazon Storefront with our favorite products!
The content presented is for general information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional. Before beginning any exercise program, always consult your physician.
Also, we are going on hiatus for the rest of July and August. But we'll be back on September 6th with a brand-new show and much to talk about! Until then, take care and have a great summer!

Friday Jul 05, 2019
Ep 94: Our runDisney Wish List
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Hey, runDisney, if you're listening ... which you're probably not, but one can dream ... here's some things we have on our runDisney Wish List! Some you've already done, (thank you!) some we realize aren't possible, but some we're still crossing our fingers for. Like bringing back the Disneyland races!!
Thanks for listening, everyone, and have a joyful day!
Our runDisney Wish List video from 2017
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT: Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.
Our Amazon Storefront with our favorite products!
Content presented is for general information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional. Before beginning any exercise program, always consult your physician.

Friday Jun 21, 2019
Ep 93: 2020 WDW Marathon Weekend - Things to do now!
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Are you registered for the 2020 WDW Marathon Weekend? If so, in today's episode, Laura and Jackey chat about things you need to be doing and thinking about now for the full marathon, Goofy Challenge and Dopey Challenge, from training to costume planning. Hope this is helpful, thanks for listening, and have a joyful day!
runDisney Budgeting Tips blog post
runDisney Budgeting Tips podcast episode
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT: Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.
Our Amazon Storefront with our favorite products!
Content presented is for general information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional. Before beginning any exercise program, always consult your physician.

Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Ep 92: Our TNT Summer Plans and Announcements
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Hello, everyone, we hope you had an amazing week! In this episode, Jackey and Laura chat about joining Team in Training to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphona Society, Princess Half Marathon registration, and our summer plans. Thanks for listening and have a joyful day!
Sabre Code for 20% off: SABRERUN
Jackey's Sabre blog post
Laura's Running Safety video and blog post
TNT Codes for $100.00 off registration fee:
- CHIBIBRAVE expires 07/24/19
- MCMBIBRAVE expires 08/01/19
- NYCBIBRAVE expired 08/31/19
Our TNT Fundraising Pages ... any donations would be greatly appreciated!!
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT: Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.
Our Amazon Storefront with our favorite products!
Content presented is for general information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional. Before beginning any exercise program, always consult your physician.

Sunday May 26, 2019
Ep 91: 2019 Brooklyn Half Marathon
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Happy Memorial Day Weekend and many thanks to those serving our country in the past, present and future! In today's episode, Jackey chats about the 2019 Brookyn Half Marathon. Be sure to check out her recap video and remember ... it's Skin Cancer Awareness month, so protect your skin! For more on this, watch Laura's video for tips and information. Thanks for listening and have a joyful day!
Jackey's Brooklyn Half video
Laura's Running in the Sun video
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT: Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.
Our Amazon Storefront with our favorite products!
Content presented is for general information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional. Before beginning any exercise program, always consult your physician.

Friday May 17, 2019
Ep 90: Running Universal™ Inaugural Minion 5K
Friday May 17, 2019
Friday May 17, 2019
Happy Friday! In today's episode, we chat with the lovely Juanita Adams about the Running Universal Inaugural Minion 5k, which is now on our bucket list! Thanks for listening and have a joyful day!
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT: Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.
Our Amazon Storefront with our favorite products!
Content presented is for general information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional. Before beginning any exercise program, always consult your physician.

Friday May 10, 2019
Ep 89: runDisney's 2019 Princess Half Marathon
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
Happy Friday! We're back from another break, this time with our dear friend, Jennalyn, for a chat about runDisney's 2019 Princess Half Marathon! Thanks for listening, and for more PHM tips, be sure to visit our website!
PHM: Everything you need to know
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT: Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.

Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Ep 88: 2019 Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Hello, everyone, in today's episode, we chat about Jackey's experience at the 2019 Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend as well as registration for runDisney's 2020 WDW Marathon Weekend! If you are registering, (or have already,) be sure to subscribe because we'll soon be talking about things to do now to prepare!
runDisney Budgeting Tips blog post
runDisney Budgeting Tips Podcast Episode 67
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT: Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.
Content presented is for general information and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional. Before beginning any exercise program, always consult your physician.

Friday Mar 29, 2019
Ep 87: Break over, we're back!
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Hello, everyone, we've missed you! We each needed to take a break, but we're back and in this episode, we catch up by chatting about our current running and racing plans, a bit about the Princess Half Marathon, (full episode on that topic coming up,) and other this and thats. It's good to be back!
Check out our website where we've been doing lots of blogging! And for race reviews, head on over to BibRave!
San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Discounts: (More race discounts are listed here.)
- 19RNRBRP16 to save $16 off the half/full marathon
- 19RNRBRP6 to save $6 off the 5k/10k
If you have a moment, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE and REVIEW our podcast. It will help us with ranking and we'd truly appreciate it! FOLLOW US AT: Our Blog, YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Joyful Miles Running Club.